You Tube Video Meta Data Character Limits
- Title: 100 characters (includes spaces)
A catchy title will grab the viewers’ attention. Please make sure to include the keywords your video is using to make the audience watch your videos. The title can have a maximum number of 100 characters. - Description: 5000 characters (includes spaces)
Writing descriptions with keywords can help viewers find your videos more easily through search. You can give an overview of your video and place keywords in the beginning of the description. The time box is another tool to keep the viewers skip through the video to particularly watch that portion if they are in a hurry. 00:35 will help them navigate to the particular part in the video. This is really useful if you have a longer video or your video covers a wide range of places. - Tags: 500 characters
Even though You Tube says tags play a minimum role in helping finding your video, it is useful to make use of this option when people misspell the names of the places or things.